Friday, May 9, 2008

Good-Bye to Dusty

It is bad news. Dusty cant going surgery. Because Dr. called to my mother and ask me. It is not good one that tumor did already cover muscles and veins. Dr. ask me if I want remove his leg maybe come worse. I decide I want let him go be freedom without suffer. I told Dr. I want come see Dusty for while before let him go. I pet him and talking I told him "You going dead and will be ok" I kissed his head about three times. Dusty saw me and head come up look at me. Dusty's nose did kissed to my nose. I kissed back more, and say goodbye. Dusty is passing away about 2pm.

(2007-May 9, 2008)

Dusty's sister are good health. I wish Dusty is good health well. I dont know why he have it very early. I really feel bad see him have suffer for nothing. I wish save his life but have to going without suffer that tumor. Dusty is enter the heaven and saw grass, sky, sun, flowers, cloud, Animals running around and meet new friends. Now Dusty is new home already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not so sad knowing Dusty's in Heaven with
new friends, not sick anymore.. only free!
Happy adventures Dusty.

May 9, 2008 at 6:40 PM

Blogger Lynn said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Dusty. :( I know you weren't prepared to lose him already. At least he's free of that huge tumor and can be free and run around. We send many good vibes to you and the other ratties.

May 12, 2008 at 4:50 PM


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